The e-Commerce Masterclass explores the essential fundamental e-business skills that enhance and sharpen the management knowledge of participants.


Here is how you can take the course content and apply it in your workplace.

  • How to define the building blocks of e-Commerce – product catalog, payment gateway, merchant account, order fulfillment and security. Create a more defined e-commerce strategy for your business!
  • Lesson Attachments and Questions
  • How to set up a project specifications and an e-commerce implementation timeline that is realistic
  • How to set up a strategy that allows you to maximize profit by selling online as a business, not a storefront.
  • How to choose your logistics partners for delivery option strategy.

PART 1: Let’s Go Online! But why?

1:15 – 1:30 pm

State of Belgian e-commerce, cross-border e-commerce, mobile commerce and where customers are going online. We will discuss the cross-border pressures on Belgian e-tailers, and how to combat the international competition.

1:30-1:50 pm

How to promote products and services online. We focus on strategies to highlight what your value proposition is to the customer, including how to sell a product before you have it.

1:50-2:25 pm

How to track sales to increase re-sales and retain customers longer. We discuss pre-sales activities (more advanced ideas for established carts) and post-sales relationship building.

2:25-3:00 pm

Different ways to handle customer service – the physical and the virtual. How well you handle customers is crucial in defining your reputation and how fast your business spreads defines how successful you can be. We focus on extending your abilities to the virtual in handling customers with efficiency and effectiveness.


3:15 – 3:30 pm

Product description. For the customer, product functionality is critical, but it has to be like and look like it does when they get it. We provide insights on product description techniques and trends such as 3D photos and

3:30 – 4:00 pm

Security, fraud and charge-back avoidance. One of the greater costs in e-commerce is spoilage, including product damage and charge-back due to lack of clear information on delivery. We pass on tips and tricks to minimise costly charge-back and fraud situations.

4:00-4:20 pm

Payment processing – convenience and ease of use. If the customer cannot pay, they cannot acquire. Do not frustrate them with poor choices. Create a great set of payment options to maximise cross-border purchasing.

4:20-4:45 pm

Order fulfillment. Depending on product type, size and fragility, there are many choices that can be made for order fulfillment. We examine what partnerships work best for your product and geographic locations.

PART 3: Getting your hands dirty (4:45 – 5:15pm)

4:45 – 5:15 pm

We work together individually and as a group in the preparation of omni-channel e-commerce plan, and to-do action items for your return to the office


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Pourquoi choisir les Digital Masterclass

Nos formations répondent aux besoins des entreprises qui souhaitent entreprendre leur transformation digitale. Notre objectif ? Vous accompagner dans cette transition et que celle-ci soit courronnée de succès.

A propos des Digital Masterclass

Vous voulez améliorer vos compétences digitales ? Vous souhaitez que vos employés se forment et apportent un plus à l'entreprise ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.


Vous serez face à des formateurs sélectionnés au coeur du marché, triés sur le volet . Des formations en petit groupe (max. 15 pers) pour garantir un confort d'apprentissage et une formation interactive.


Vous recevrez à l'issue de chaque formation un diplôme attestant de votre participation et des nouvelles connaissances acquises.