Join this very intensive afternoon based on a unique format of 3 hard-hitting sessions led by experts. Then, put the learning into practice in a workshop with the speaker of your choice. It will be a high-octane afternoon about Customer Centricity, which is a driving theme in many industries. Yet many organisations struggle in taking concrete steps, especially when it comes to influencing and inspiring stakeholders or disciplines outside of marketing. Often organisations lack common practices or definitions to really build this type of culture. During this half-day Bootcamp you will be inspired on the one hand, but get hands-on tips and tricks too. The 3 speakers will tell you how to get started the day after. After their 3 speeches, you will choose the one most close to your business philosophy and enjoy a final workshop with him.

  • A unique format of 3 hard-hitting sessions led by experts;
  • Put the learning into practice during a workshop;
  • Hand-on tips & tricks to get started immediately;
  • Learn from peers during the interactive workshop session;
  • Enjoy this afternoon with the three best Belgian speakers on that topic


It all starts with insights – by Tom De Ruyck, Managing Partner at InSites Consulting.  

In the changing reality of a world where consumers are in the lead and consumer relevance has become very important, we believe consumer insights hold the key to insure a future-proof business.

According to Kantar Vermeer’s INSIGHTS 20:20 report, 51% of business over-performers (revenue growth) indicate that insights and analytics are leading their business. This is four times greater than the score of underperforming businesses.

This presentation will teach you how you can get to great insights and how to make them the starting point of your consumer/customer centricity journey.

Hybrid Customer Experience - by Geert Martens, Duval Union Consulting

Which channels and touchpoints do your customers prefer to use in each step of their customer journey? Today, and tomorrow? And how do you make sure that these channels and touchpoints interact, real-time, to deliver a fluid and natural customer experience across the entire customer lifecycle? What could be ‘channel hacks’ that connect touchpoints to increase efficiency and effectiveness?
And, more importantly, what about the day after tomorrow? When your business model changes? And your go-to-market needs to align? To deliver new products and services to new customers? What would a future-proof framework be? What would be the building blocks? Oh, and what about emotions, ‘dear robo’t and ‘dear chatbot’?
In this keynote, Geert Martens, partner at Duval Union Consulting, describes a framework for optimizing your current customer experiences within a future-oriented transformative vision. Combining tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. And leveraging facts, figures and imagination.

Customer-Centricity: From Idealism to Discipline - by Alain Thys

Most companies see the profit in becoming customer-centric. But beyond big words and inspiring language, too little seems to happen.

In fact, customer-centricity is more of an ideal than a business discipline. It sounds great, but no one really knows what it means. Or where to start. Or how to find the budget.

Alain Thys outlines the key components of a successful customer-centricity programme and the ways it can drive profit in your company. This will allow you to better understand your existing customer capabilities and start developing the ones you require. It will also allow you to make a solid business case for structural change.

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Pourquoi choisir les Digital Masterclass

Nos formations répondent aux besoins des entreprises qui souhaitent entreprendre leur transformation digitale. Notre objectif ? Vous accompagner dans cette transition et que celle-ci soit courronnée de succès.

A propos des Digital Masterclass

Vous voulez améliorer vos compétences digitales ? Vous souhaitez que vos employés se forment et apportent un plus à l'entreprise ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.


Vous serez face à des formateurs sélectionnés au coeur du marché, triés sur le volet . Des formations en petit groupe (max. 15 pers) pour garantir un confort d'apprentissage et une formation interactive.


Vous recevrez à l'issue de chaque formation un diplôme attestant de votre participation et des nouvelles connaissances acquises.