Tom Renneberg

Tom Renneberg



The evolving landscape of physician communities in Europe and beyond: Fish where the fishes are

Present in 11 countries, E-Sanum is one of the sole pan European Physician community in Europe.  In his presentation, Tom will speak about the different aspect of physician communities, what is offered to doctors through them, what are the more valued services…and what insights could be generated. Despite the fact that they are the place “where the fishes are” and should be, they are often neglected in the multichannel strategies of “Big Pharma” who… even have access to no data about what is happening with their target physician on them. A “real pity” according to Tom, who will show the audience what can be done with these communities and what information can be gathered.

Born as digital native in Berlin in the early eighties, Tom graduated from the United World College in Hong Kong and went on to study molecular genetics at the University of Toronto. With starting esanum in 2007, Tom gained a foothold in the social media landscape of Europe. Today, Tom is the CEO of esanum, the fastest growing physicians community in Europe. He oversees the international and national expansion from his Berlin office.The esanum-network spans over eleven countries worldwide.