Paul Willers

Paul Willers

Managing Director

Medicom Medical Publishers

From Research to practice: how to get the clinical outcomes presented at the congress to the doctor faster

Despite the digital age we live in, physicians still experience a significant delay in receiving research outcomes published in scientific journals. Research into the publication process shows that it can easily take half a year or more for a paper to get published after editorial decisions, peer review, and revisions. Also, most journals are still not open access. All this limits timely access for many physicians who could use this knowledge to improve treatment or even save lives. Paul will elaborate on this analysis and explain how to fill the time gap between presentation of clinical insights and publication in scientific literature by disseminating this knowledge faster and to a wider audience. He will also discuss how the application of this clinical knowledge can be improved.


Paul joined Medicom Medical Publishers in 2006 as managing director, after a career of 15 years with Philips Electronics. Since then Medicom has become the International Congress Specialist. Its mission is to accelerate the application of research outcomes in clinical practice. Medicom covers 25 congresses annually, bringing the congress to the doctor.